Guru Yoga part 2
In these teachings, Rinpoche explains “How to practice Guru Yoga from the Ganden Nyengyu Tradition” (Ear to ear Ganden lineage). This exceptional “Lamai Naljor” practice is the “pure vision lineage” of Master Tsongkhapa received from Manjushri who received it Vajradhara- the primordial Buddha. Guru Yoga is the root foundation of all spiritual attainments and it is the most powerful life force practice path in Tibetan Buddhist Gelugpa tradition. A sincere practice of Guru Yoga empowers the practitioner to receive the blessings of all Enlightened beings because the ultimate Guru is the non-dual nature of all the Buddhas of the three times. It is stated in the scriptures that a proper Guru Yoga is the most essential and mandatory practice in establishing genuine connection with our Guru. Most importantly it enables the practitioner’s mind to merge with the Master’s blissful wisdom which is the pure clear light